
Showing posts from February, 2024


Under Field Order 15 which was a temporary Decree, The only place where white inhabitants can habitat and be feed chattel is on a Military Fortress which is an Army Fort. KFC MENU - 2 BUCKET AND GET POTATO SALID These are living quarters for NCO and the Hu-Wo on USO are all Federal Officers and get Officer pay and benefit package. THERE ARE TWO WAYS IN AND OUT.  THEY ARE MADE OF TINANUIM AND NITROGEN BOMB EXPOSTION WILL CRACK  A WHOLE THROUGH THE TITANUIM DOORS.  NITOGON WILL CAUSE HIGH COLD TEMPERTURES AND NITRO EXCEEDS 500 f  A Neutron Bomb is a Fire Killer and removes the Oxygen from the air, meaning you do not hear it, because it requires oxygen for sound to travel.  The Neutron Bomb removes Oxygen and the you need to allow ventilation to convert back to Oxygen. CO2 Sensors are sold ate Walmart Stores for under $59 USO RIDES IN FREYHOUND DREAMLINER TO AVON PARK AIR BASE


WE ARE THE HARLEM GLOBE TROTTERS AND I AM CARLY NEAL FOR REAL OK! SKIP IS HOW YOU SPELL HIS NAME?  Meadowlark Lemon   See we would play in the Center and it was me and Skip, but if I was on the court I played point but was a ball hog.  So they take me out Hank ?no good" Carter and put me back in sometimes with like 4 minutes to go down 8 points and it was showtime and that is th Ervin "Magic: Johnson showtime, running up and down the court and I own the trademark Magic OK! MAN, oh, man the older generation of Mother Christerphine  is Bill Bradley and Alex English. Paul Jackson is the Jackson 5 All you got to do is go when we leave and we can make this place what we want and for the first time we all will feel safe. Nate "World Be Free" Archibald like i said I call "The Great" He was like the best point guard at basketball World Wide and it was the City wide tournament at Jr. 204 and at the time i was Puma Paul, I had a great pair of professional athlete sh


 CSM Danny Bush hung out at the Ritz Carlton last night. They gave Jesus Christ a bogus address off Chinny OLd Car dealership, I did not go to see, my feet are still recovering. They was supposed to go get cleaned up and the the 4 I sent for first, Janet Jackson, Beyonce', Alicia and Tatyana Ali.  But they was claiming they had no place to go, meaning you do not go there, but we will come stay with you... Problem, Daddy O', has these homes filled with the pussy suckers and the Dildo for the woes.  And Daddy' did not move on me because of the Neutron Bomb option.  They are fire killers, they simply remove the Oxygen from the air, you hear no sound, you Co2 meter will go off, as awarning and you see a cloud of moog.  Then everything that require oxygen falls to sleep, but me and mine's will wakeup. When they use this weapons systems, hey come in, using helicopters and are guided by NASA Heat sensors will find body heat and those are the ones ho are still alive.  But becau

The Mafia Wars the GAY Mob in GAY Culture 2024

INTEL UPDATED: Timothy Shands RIP = Out of Business = Hon. Min Louis Farrakhan, Fake Pres. Barrack Obama, Elisha as in the Holy Bible, Mr. Robert Coleman, The Head of the Genovese Crime Family.  Once RIP, you cannot do business or be these persons among us. RIP His problem is he placed himself over Nicky Barnes. Nicky Barnes is Jay Z, is Oral Brennan, Is Michael King, is Fat Cat, is Joe Hardy, is Frank Lucas, is Francie the Dirty COP is a Snitch, his M.O. start operations, get busted and kill all his links and go back underground and start new operations in somewhere USA RIP                                                                               RIP Dahoud Smith is Fat Joe and many of my light skin acts. The name that cursed him was Big Paul Castellano.  I AM Apostle Paul Castellano or Carlo Gambino, but the thing is I don't sell drugs. RIP - All these he cannot be Out of Business These are recent updates based on YouTube and GAY Culture Communications More ongoing - Breaking

BIG JOE RIP and JANET Jackson Websites Investigations

  Janet Jackson Musician/band    · 7.4M followers Janet Jackson puts Beyonce; Alicia Keys on blast. – 7,400,000 Followers of Janet Jackson the mother Beyonce’ disrespect for her Father Capstone Zulu, Michael Jackson and Prince….more.. This is a broken link   but if you go to Jackson you get Capstone Zulu What they did was setup - this is a broken link - click following   - get other Facebook Page click 7.4M Followers and you get the people who follow her and that is who been seeing her links that was cut.   RIP FAT JOE I AM THE ARTIST IRV GOTTI AND I DID NOT TOUCH THIS MAN They say they RIP BIG PUN because he was not down with the Fag thing When you click my hyperlink on my Facebook page it takes you here.

The Satanic Explanation of Sasha Fierce

  Beyoncé - I Am... Sasha Fierce (Super Deluxe Edition) [Full Album] The Satanic Explanation of Sasha Fierce First of all, it is Beyonce’ but we are talking about Sasha Fierce – You old her she could define it, she made the album, but what is this going with your children? Everybody but Michael Jackson, Beyonce’ and Alicia Keys signed an agreement that Michael Jackson is dead and his name cannot be used in Hollywood as an existing entity. OK, The contract Agreement was written in their heart or say written in Stone.   A Satanic Agreement, means it is written in Stone, in your heart and there is no paper trail.   How it that you may ask? Because it is sad to come from Satan himself. OK. If it came from Satan himself, who are you?   Satan.   So how do I get pass this? You don’t, you tell me.   See, I said I did not write it. OK, if you did not write it and you are Satan it is not written in Stone or in their heart? You are right! That is it?   Yes.   OK! WHY?  

Beyonce' Alicia Keys and Capstone Zulu Formation of Love

  Beyonce' Alicia Keys and Capstone Zulu Formation of Love Conditions:  if You'll Be My Union in Friendship  - Each cell of Jesus Christ, INC. will consist of one Human and two Hu-Wo and I call my mains Beyonce; Alicia Keys, Janet Jackson Tatyana and the Human in each cell is Capstone Zulu. 1. This being a reunion or get back together, the first binding commitment for this to work in Union, Paul must always come first in everything we done in Union.  This means he is our manager and Inspector and must have full access to us and all we own at all times. 2. Janet Jackson is the steer and will keep Paul pussy flow. And Tatyana are friends in formation. 4. The Union is eternal and amendable and the prearrangement is Beyonce' though we were all born for Paul, she is the one we choose to be first and Alicia keys are the means aka bragging rights and who may see me with most Beyonce' Alicia Keys says they are ready to go home to their dad and Father of all their Children and w

Michael Jackson and Beyonce' Knowles Hollywood Challenge

  Listen Closely                    He looks like the image in the video and looks like the photo in Hollywood.                                   Hector Elizondo is Pablo Escobar Drug Lord Interviewed by Paul      INTEL SUUGEST HECTOR ELIZONSO IS SATAN AND PABLO ESCOBAR THE SON For example because I cannot talk to her, things like this she gets involed with without first decided the cause and why, meanwhile she is my Secretary at Jesus Christ, INC. and still have not showed up for work.  But does work for timothy for the United Nations? Make sense support the enemy and nothing for self, cause Paul Self.  OLD AND I AM TIRED BUT I WILL KEEP THE FAITH 1. Beyonce' and Alicia Keys admitted to wrong and got caught while it was in action. It was an ongoing situation, where they felt I was bad news and wanted to play me again and they are being setup and I just want to put that out there. Everybody but two people signed a deal with the Devil claiming Michael Jackson is dead but two persons

The Truth About Pablo Escabar RIP

  I Considered Him a Friend but Old Testament Evil and Enjoyed Talking To Him WHY IS THE WORLD LIKE IT IS? THE BOTTOM LINE IT IS CLEAR AND EVERYONEN OF YOU CAN TESIFY TO THIS. BECAUSE EVERYBODY DO WHAT THEY ARE TOLD BY SATAN AND NOT Jesus Christ ALL OF YOU ARE IN THERE JUDGING EVERYONE BUT YOUR COMMANDOR SATAN EVEN RAY KNEW HE WAS JUST AN INSTRUMENT OF SATAN.                                                He say thus stuff is the real money Paul Now listen to Ray he is Smart but I won Again  - He told me the secret is commodity currency - listen Rev. Jim Jones CIA Mind Control this is the guy who raped boys, in the Movie I was the boy that sat on his lap.  So,, I go to a center for kids like this, I say, you are not bad, what he did to you was bad, he is the bad person.  Now, I AM going to leave and I AM not going to play victim. So some got up and left with me and some wanted to play victim as an excuse to be fags or whatever, get on medications and get a check and now I understand yo

A FRAUD REPORT BY Rev. Frank Paul Jones

    I Frank Paul Jones attest, I AM in Sound Mind and Memory and the information I Am about to share is to be best of my knowledge, 1.       I filed all my documents as I was supposed to and the reason I had to reinstate was because, my Corporation was stolen by Elle E. Williams and Shawanda Adams and if you follow the fact pattern it will be clear of their intent.   Shawanda used my cell phone that was stolen by Shawanda and used it to defraud The National community Network, INC and they changed my accounting period to begin on, 30 Nov. of each year, but my Documents of incorporation was established with the accounting period set a 31 Dec. of each year. 2.       I was rejected twice but I called the IRS and they told me, they updated my address and and I should hear from them and still have not, other than one letter from them I got, but it had no info on the accounting period. 3.       Because, I AM not getting any information concerning the board members, I AM force to go al

Did Timothy Shands Commit Treason

  Did Timothy Shands Commit Treason A Lot is surfacing on the web about this now At the 2009 inauguration Timothy Shands Deceives the world, with his hand on the Koran and it was reported, Supreme Justice Roberts say to Timothy. "So help you GOD, then Fake Obama says, "so help me GOD." Developing Story Capstone Zulu