The Satanic Explanation of Sasha Fierce


The Satanic Explanation of Sasha Fierce

First of all, it is Beyonce’ but we are talking about Sasha Fierce – You old her she could define it, she made the album, but what is this going with your children?

Everybody but Michael Jackson, Beyonce’ and Alicia Keys signed an agreement that Michael Jackson is dead and his name cannot be used in Hollywood as an existing entity. OK,

The contract Agreement was written in their heart or say written in Stone.  

A Satanic Agreement, means it is written in Stone, in your heart and there is no paper trail. 

How it that you may ask? Because it is sad to come from Satan himself.

OK. If it came from Satan himself, who are you?  Satan. 

So how do I get pass this?

You don’t, you tell me.  See, I said I did not write it.

OK, if you did not write it and you are Satan it is not written in Stone or in their heart?

You are right! That is it?  Yes. 




Michael Jackson is Prince, but Michael Jackson is too much power and Prince, you see, he is a regular guy like you, who loves music and struggles but Michael Jackson is just to much power. You can have all types of things but not that name.

The agreement says perpetual and that is Satanic. 

So what will happen then?

You will expose Hollywood Paul.  How?  Your children know who is who already and now they know they exist.


There are not that many of your children in Hollywood, see Hollywood is all over the World.  It is media and there are 1.000’s of them and only a few of you’ll.

How do I know who are mine’s?


Those are the ones that met with Jay Z.


Then Alicia Keys was there?  How that?  I saw her in the Booth.

Oh, shit, I didn’t know that.  Anyway, there is no contract, because I said, I did not write it, it came from Satan and I am Satan and there is no Alicia Keys.

But Paul, that is the point, your children did not know what they signed.  The catch is that the Members of the Satanic Order did.  And now they are exposed.

And for you.  I will be gone, I am a big-time dude ad got spots all over and can lay low 100 years and I should have about 200 left.

How about me, you’ll are going to live forever and regenerate cells and all types of crazy shit.  See my people cannot understand that, but yours can.  Mine’s cannot understand eternal.  But to run large operations you need to know this type of shit and it is required when using common people, you’ll do no breed like us, you’ll will populate to secure, but we populate for food. That is why you were never a crowd person, it is normal, but to be around a lot of people attract people looking for food.  It is what it is.

Daddy O

Now you will probably get those girls you are looking for, but many of them did not pay attention and will not think much of what you are trying to explain.

Daddy P.




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